New Shopping Cart
Project Description This was a custom code project for an Adilas company. They wanted a more slimmed-down, easy to use version of the shopping cart. They gave me their specifications and I came up with the design for them. The second picture is the new…

Snow Owl (AFB) Custom Colors
Project Description I created the capability of custom colors within the AFB (Snow Owl) theme in this project. This allows a corporation or a payee to change their site colors to best suit their corporation or the individual personal preference. There are thousands of color…

AFB Theme
Project Description This project for AFB was to introduce a new theme that functioned better than any other theme in the Adilas system. Some of the key points were organizational management, as mobile ready as possible, and a more modern look. By taking over a…

Adilas E-commerce
Project Description This was one of my first big ColdFusion, backend, Adilas projects for AFB. I needed to redesign or to create a theme for the Adilas E-commerce. I added over 100 new settings and completely re-stylized the E-commerce so that it had a modern…

AFB Website
Project Description This was my first official live website with the bootstrap framework. All graphics on this website, or at least the vector images, were designed by me. If it is still available it is located here. What I Learned from this Project I learned…

Project Timeclock Mockup
Project Description This was a mockup for a very specific time clock. It will allow for users to quickly switch between projects for tracking time as well as taking notes about specific projects they are attached to. I did the HTML design/mockup and a friend…

Adilas Market
Project Description This was a rather large project, in the price range of $12,000+. Another developer (Nick Voughn) and I built this project together. I was mostly in charge of layout, concept and design, graphics and project management; Nick was in charge of most of…

Project Manager Second Mockup
Project Description This was the second mockup of the Project Manager. This version even has a working HTML model. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, neither the first nor the second version of the Project Manager was able to be funded. If it is still…