Adilas News and Update Feed
Project Description This project was about connecting WordPress to Adilas. Now within Adilas you can connect to any WordPress site, allowing you to connect with its API. This allows news feeds, updates, and important details from WordPress blogs to be brought into a customer’s system….

Customer Quick Cart
Project Description I created this project for AFB. I added an Ajax search to the quick cart drop-down so an individual can easily select a customer and start a cart faster than ever before. What I Learned from this Project This was a very small…

Employee Time Clock V1
Project Description I originally mapped out this project over a year ago and has just recently (Nov 2017) received funding. Planning, project management, and design were completed by me. The coding of the actual project was done by a developer named Calvin Chipman. The Employee…

AFB Toolbar
Project Description I created this project for the AFB Snow Owl theme. It allows individual page content to be populated on a sidebar. It can be videos, links to help files, links to courses, and page specific settings. Videos can be played straight within the…

Adilas E-mail Project
Project Description This project had created advanced e-mailing functionality for AFB. This feature is provided with the AFB or Snow Owl theme. It contains over 80 settings used to customize the default e-mail template to the corporations specifications. It also contains 37 dynamic variables to…

That Herb Shop
Project Description This was a project prepared for That Herb Shop. It consisted of finding a suitable WordPress theme, selecting appropriate images, resizing those images, and structuring the WordPress site to suit the customer’s needs. In connection with this project, I also stylized the Adilas…

Updated AFB and Adilas Website
Project Description I took AFB’s website and made it so that AFB and Adilas could share the same content. The new updated website allows both entities to share some basic content while still maintaining individualization as desired. Each has the ability to add their own…

Parent Attributes/Tags Project
Project Description This project was for an Adilas customer and consisted of creating a tag, or parent attributes, system that could be utilized within E-commerce. I constructed five different tag types. They were text, text drop-down, number, toggle, and number drop-down. Each type can present…

New Shopping Cart
Project Description This was a custom code project for an Adilas company. They wanted a more slimmed-down, easy to use version of the shopping cart. They gave me their specifications and I came up with the design for them. The second picture is the new…

Snow Owl (AFB) Custom Colors
Project Description I created the capability of custom colors within the AFB (Snow Owl) theme in this project. This allows a corporation or a payee to change their site colors to best suit their corporation or the individual personal preference. There are thousands of color…