Adilas: First Sales Page
Project Description This project was to design a sales page for Adilas consultants to market to the various dealership industries. Fairly simple design and one of my first projects for Adilas. Constructed in Adobe Muse. If it’s still available, it will be located here.
Family Life Center Animations
Project Description I created these videos while I was in college for the Family Life Center located on the main campus at Utah State University. I designed and created several videos for the center to explain topics and available resources.

Ghostly Knight Game
Project Description This was a fun project, but due to life happening it never fully developed into a complete video game. A friend and I began this project together; I was in charge of graphics and he was in charge of coding.
Digital Portfolio – August 1, 2014
Project Description I crafted this portfolio in 2014 to showcase my work up to that point in time. Everything, excluding the front intro picture, but including the music, was created by me.
Digital Portfolio – May 30, 2014
Project Description This was a my first portfolio built to showcase my work up to that point in time. The front intro picture and ending background graphic are the work of another artist; all other pieces, including the music, were created by me.